2014 to 2024 MAP and EOC Test Scores for Black students in St. Louis County Area Public & Charter Schools
Percentage Proficient
MAP and EOC Test Scores (2014-2024) for Black students in St. Louis Area School Districts and Charter Schools
This chart is an interactive tool that allows users to see the scores and score trend in MAP and EOC test scores from 2014-2024. The chart shows the percentage of students in the specified District or Charter School that are at grade level or above grade level proficiency. The data is aggregated by districts or schools for tested Black students for all grade levels in some St. Louis area District where data was available.
To see the results, enter the content area and school district in the drop down boxes to see the 10 year trend for those Districts and Schools where data was available.
Key Information:
This data was provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in spreadsheet form. Information about MAP testing can be found on this site.
English Language Arts and Math Scores are for grades 3 through 8. Science Scores are grades 5 and 8. EOC stands for End of Course Exam. These are tests taken at the end of particular High School courses.